You can find a guide to the site's usage and all of the d-flight services at this link.
Is d-flight optimized for the use of a specific browser?
Yes, the use of Chrome / Firefox / Safari browser is recommended, we do not recommend using Internet Explorer.
What is the operational take-off Mass?
It is the take-off mass value of the UA vehicle in operational configuration, including the payload (equipment and installations necessary for carrying out the planned operations).
Who is an UAS operator?
A natural or legal person who is responsible for the operations, in accordance with the regulations in force.
Where can I find the information relating to the serial number of chassis, Flight Control System and Ground Control Station which are necessary for the registration of my drone?
It is possible to obtain the information relating to the serial code of the drone frame from the box in which it is contained at the time of purchase, under the barcode, or on the battery or in the battery compartment after having extracted it. As for the serial codes of the Flight Control System and the Ground Control Station, they can be obtained from the APP that is supplied with the drone (generally in the settings menu, in the "About" item). If these data are not available in the APP, we recommend that you contact the manufacturer.
Where can I find information on availability costs and payments?
Si suggerisce di visitare la pagina https://www.d-flight.it/portal/tariffe/ dove sono presenti le informazioni relative ai servizi erogati.
Where do I purchase the credits for activating the services?
Credits can be purchased on the d-flight store. To access the store you must use the following login credentials: the registration email used for crediting d-flight and the same password.
I bought the credits but I don't see the activated services!
The purchase of credit on the store does not activate the service. Once the purchase is complete, go back to the app and use the credit to activate / renew your subscription or to activate the optional UAS QR codes.
I need to ask for a refund for an incorrect purchase
To request a refund, the fastest way is to use the "Returns" function available on its d-flight Store page. Access the Store with your credentials and click on the "Returns" link in the footer to create a claim. Provide all the information requested by filling out the form and submit the claim. Your request will be processed as soon as possible. To consult the status of your requests you can use the Returns Management (RMA) tab in the top menu, under your name. Remember that, if you have made online payments, if your return request can be accepted, we will ask for the transaction to be reversed. The refund will be re-credited to you through your credit circuit, with times and any deductions or penalties that in no way depend on d-flight. Only in the event that the payment was made by bank transfer, you are asked to indicate the IBAN of the account on which you wish to receive the transfer in the text field describing the request.
Why should I access d-flight?
To access the d-flight services it is necessary to be accredited.
Accreditation is necessary and free for users interested in learning about the rules of flight in Italian airspace.
Following the accreditation, it will be possible to register as a UAS Operator, pursuant to the current regulation, following the activation of a basic or Pro a d-flight subscription. With the active subscription, other services are available, described on the page "services“.
When creating the account, I can't have enabled the "Create" button. How can I proceed?
Probably no mandatory field has been entered. To carry out the procedure, we recommend the use of a Firefox / Safari / Chrome browser. Furthermore, in order to proceed, we recommend following what is described in the here (section 1.1.).
I'm trying to enter, Account disabled appears, what to do?
At the time of creation, the account is created in a "disabled" status, this status is changed once the activation link sent to the e-mail address specified during the registration process has been clicked. If the activation link is not clicked, the account will be canceled after 72 hours.
The drone I want to register is not listed, what should I do?
Open a support request related to the d-flight Service Desk or define the drone as self-built.
I carried out the account activation process by clicking on the email received after registration but, I do not have the credentials to access the platform and now my account is disabled, what should I do?
The credentials to make the first access are provided at the bottom of the email that you receive after completing the registration on the platform.
Per attivare il proprio account occorre cliccare sul link di attivazione ricevuto ed inserire Nome Utente e Password riportati nella mail, controllando eventualmente anche in spam.
If you do not receive the account activation email, we recommend checking that the address entered at the time of registration is correct. If an incorrect email address has been entered, it will not be possible to confirm the accreditation. In this case, after 48 hours, the server will automatically remove the data and you can proceed with a new accreditation.
How do I reset my password?
You can find a guide on the password reset procedure at this link
If I have not sent the identity documents necessary to complete the upgrade as an operator user, what happens?
The registration procedure as a UAS Operator is complete only after receipt and verification of the documentation proving the identity. Remember to send all required documents attached to registration@d-flight.it. The list of required documents is sent to the user at the time of upgrade to the operator, on the mailbox used by the user for registration.
What to do in the case of Public Administrations?
Public Administrations can refer to the procedure on user manual (section 1.2.2).
My subscription is about to expire, what should I do to renew it?
You must wait for the subscription to expire, regardless of the type of subscription, basic or pro, you have.
The day after the expiration day, by clicking on "account" from the pop-up menu, you will find the buttons "Subscribe as a basic user", "Subscribe as a pro user" displayed and you can proceed with the renewal.
Ignore the renewal invitation contained in the email notification of upcoming subscription expiration.
What's a QR Code?
The UAS Operator QR Code is a two-dimensional barcode used to uniquely identify a UAS Operator and therefore fulfill the recognition obligations provided for by the ENAC regulation.
Which QR code should I apply to the drone according to the new ENAC UAS-IT Regulation?
The QR identification code mentioned in articles 6 and 9 of the Regulation is issued by the D-Flight site, following the registration of the operator, it contains the identification code of the operator according to the EASA nomenclature and is unique for all UAS referring to the operator.
According to European legislation, the identification code will have value in all EU Member States and therefore the operator will be able to operate their UAS without further application of other codes in all EU Member States, subject to compliance with additional local regulations if applicable.
Should the QR code issued to the operator be printed and affixed to all the UAS operated by the same?
Yes, because the QR code contains the identification code of the operator according to the EASA nomenclature.
Who can access the d-flight maps?
All accredited users can access maps.
What's the usefulness in maps?
Consultating maps allows you to check in which areas you can fly and on what constraints. The elements visible on the map are based on the ENAV aeronautical database. Some elements are constructed in a georeferenced manner, on the basis of semantic rules in force, expressed in the ENAC regulation and in the Circulars (ATM09). All geographical data published by d-flight originate from institutional data sources, as shown in the table of the Maps section available at this link . However, the update cycles of published data and source data are not yet fully synchronized.
The use of maps does not relieve users of their responsibility in the correct use of UAS in a conscientious manner and in full compliance with the rules.
What are "No Fly Zones"?
"No Fly Zones" areas are prohibited for the use of drones, although they are not volumes of airspace reported in the ENAV aeronautical database, based on the AIRAC cycles and ICAO standards. They can be established temporarily by the appropriate state authorities. D-flight, in collaboration with ENAC, ENAV and the Ministry of the Interior, are completing a procedure so that the creation, activation and deactivation of the "No Fly Zones" is official and correctly represented on the site.
Why are some aviation / helium / hydro surfaces not shown on the d-flight platform?
The avio / eli / idro surfaces authorized by ENAC and having a valid authorization have been reported on the d-flight platform. Verification can be done via the following link: https://moduliweb.enac.gov.it/Applicazioni/avioeli/Avio_01.asp . If you need more information about it, you can contact ENAC directly.
Who can make the declaration?
The declaration can be done only if:
- The payment of the required fee has been done to ENAC, on ENAC website, according tos https://www.enac.gov.it/sicurezza-aerea/droni/fatturazione-droni
- you are accredited on the d-flight platform
- a PRO Professional subscription is active
- you are registered as a UAS Operator
- your fleet has a non-harmless UAS with an active UAS PRO QR code
What must be done on the d-flight platform to be able to carry out a BVLOS operation?
After obtaininAfter obtaining the authorization from ENAC for operations in line with the published PDRAs, the operator must:
- From 4 days before the operation and up to a maximum of 24 hours before the start of the operation itself, access the Drone Operation Plan Service to compile and save the UAS operation plan of the specific work session
- Submit the plan of operations in order to verify the absence of overlap with other BVLOS operations. The results of the verification of the absence or presence of overlaps will be communicated in real time by e-mail, by sending an e-mail to the address used for registration on d-flight. NB. In case of overlap with other previously submitted BVLOS operations, it will be necessary to change the date / time of your operation, save it and resubmit it. We remind users that even for the mission modification, the time constraints related to the insertion of the flight plan still remain to be respected: starting from 4 days before the operation and up to a maximum of 24 hours before the start of the operation itself.
- At the time of the flight, it is recommended to activate the DOP and to deactivate it at the end of the flight.
What will the new operator statuses be?
The new operator statuses will be:
What will the new statuses of the declaration be?
The new statuses of the operator declaration will be:
What happens if I am already an operator of the D-Flight system when the updates for the new statuses will come?
If the operator is already present in the system, their status will be automatically updated, assigning them one of the 4 possible statuses.
Can the operator change their status?
The operator can change their status with the following operations:
Operator cancellation the status transits to DELETED and in this status the operator is no longer considered as such in the system; this operation is allowed only if the Operator is in the ACTIVE status. This operation is not permitted if the Operator is in a SUSPENDED or REVOKED status.
Operator reactivation an operator in the CANCEL status may at any time request to be re-credited as an Operator. If this operation is successful, he automatically transitions to the ACTIVE status; this operation is allowed only if the Operator is in the CANCELED status or if the user has never previously carried out an Operator Accreditation operation. This operation is not permitted if the Operator is in a SUSPENDED or REVOKED status.
The status of the operator can also change for actions performed by the Authority.
In fact, the Authority, after an internal analysis, can perform the following actions on an operator, who undergoes the change of his status.
The Authority's actions are:
Operator suspension the status of the operator transits into SUSPENDED.
Operator revocation the status of the operator transits to REVOKED.
Operator cancellation the status of the operator transits to DELETED.
How does the status of the declaration change?
The status of the declaration will always be the same as the status of your operator.
So every time an operator changes status, all the declarations associated with it will also change status in a manner consistent with the operator.
This is always true, except in one case.
In fact, when the operator in the DELETED status requests re-accreditation as an operator, he transits into the ACTIVE status, but his statements will remain in the DELETED status. You will need to create new declarations.
If the operator is in a status other than ACTIVE, what can he do?
If the operator is in a status other than ACTIVE, he will not be able to perform any operational action with his drones.
What do the acronyms on this site stand for?
ACU: Airspace Coordination Unit
Toy aircraft: an unmanned aircraft, designed or intended, exclusively or otherwise, to be used for gaming purposes by children under the age of 14 (Directive 2009/48 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on toy safety, Legislative Decree 11 April 2011, No. 54)
AGL: Above Ground Level
AIP: Aeronautical Information Publication – published by ENAV SpA (www.enav.it) containing aeronautical information of a lasting nature essential for air navigation
ARP: Aerodrome Reference Point – the designated geographical location of a civil or military airport open to civilian traffic
ATZ:Aerodrome Traffic Zone
BVLOS: Beyond Visual Line of Sight
CTR: Control Traffic Region – zona di controllo/spazio aereo controllato
DOA: Drone Operation Area
DOP: Drone Operation Plan
EVLOS: Enhanced Visual Line Of Sight – volo a vista che include altri soggetti
FAI F1: International Aeronautical Federation, F1 model aircraft (free flight)
HRP: Heliport Reference Point – “Punto di riferimento di eliporto”
MTOW: Max Take-off Weight – peso massimo operativo al decollo
NFZ: No Fly Zone – zona d’interdizione al volo
NOF: Notam Office – Ufficio Notam
Airspace reservation: defined volume of airspace temporarily reserved for the exclusive or specific use of certain categories of users
Airspace restriction: defined volume of airspace within which dangerous activities for flights or aircraft can be performed in different ways at certain times ("dangerous zone"); or airspace above the national airspace, within which the flight of aircraft is subject to compliance with specific conditions ("regulated area"); or airspace above the national airspace, within which the flight of aircraft is prohibited ("prohibited area")
Airport grounds: set of areas aimed at meeting the public purposes of air transport, as identified in the Airport Development Plan
UAS: Unmanned Aerial System – sistema aereo senza pilota
UA: UAS airborne component
VLOS: Visual Line of Sight – volo a vista