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New d-flight release. Updated maps and layers for PRO Users

Rome 19 September 2020 - a new release of d-flight is online, with the implementation of some services dedicated to PRO users. In fact, more complete maps are now available to PRO users, with related cartographic lists and updated Layers, for a more detailed analysis of the area of ​​operations and for an efficient preparation of the SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment).

Now Aerial and Aerial Street maps will show orthophotos, geometrically correct and geo-referenced photographs for a more uniform scale of representation, by rendering them equivalent in all respects to a map, with or without road references. The Road map will instead show vector images of streets, buildings and geography in a graphic way, like a political map.

The implementation and improvement of vectorial images of streets, buildings and geography, will make it easier to identify places of interest for missions through additional satellite images, in addition to the openstreetmaps already available on d-flight, also presenting an optimization of the map for night viewing, the strong>Dark.

With the new release of the platform, d-flight also introduces Layers, "Land Use” and "Census' which include data provided by the CORINE 2018 project (an European Commission program) and ISTAT data from the 2011 census which will support PRO Operators to carry out a preliminary analysis of the ground risk for the preparation of the SORA.

These new updates follow what has already been optimized for the Layout of the "User Profile" page and its simplification of accreditation.

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